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Madelaine Collinson as "Frieda" from the classic Hammer Horror 1971 movie "Twins of Evil".


The Gellhorn twins, Maria [Mary Collinson] and Frieda [Madelaine Collinson] have journeyed from Vienna to Karnstein in order to live with their aunt and uncle .
Frieda finds karnstein fascinating, One evening when Frieda has had enough of Uncle Gustav, she sneaks out of the house.
She meets with Count Karnstein's carriage and is taken to the castle where he makes her a vampire.


Please Note: This is an unpainted resin bust and will require painting and building skills. We will make sure the product goes through quality control before being shipped out. If a product come with more than one part then these may require some prep work (sanding,filling, fitting ) for a clean finish. We can also provide a painting service at a extra cost.


For more information, please contact:

Frieda: Madeleine Collinson

SKU: 0002
Only 1 left in stock
  • Hammer Horror


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